Because CCS believes that true college prep is more than just academics, we seek to prepare your child spiritually for college and life. Through Bible classes, chapel, and iServe, we teach not only knowledge of the Bible, but the important life applications that make scripture relevant for students.

  • Bible classes

    Daily Bible classes are a requirement for students at Columbia Christian School. Bible classes are treated as the most important class of the day. High School students are required to pass Bible as a prerequisite for graduation.

    Bible classes help educate students, not only in the events that took place in the Bible, but more importantly, to help cultivate a Biblical-world view in each student.

  • Chapel

    Students attend Chapel each Wednesday. This is a time set aside each week for students to gather and sing praises and hymns. Students will hear devotionals/sermons from area pastors and youth pastors. From time to time we are also blessed to have missionaries who come and share testimonies about the work around the world.

  • World Mission Experience

    World Mission Experience is an opportunity for seniors at Columbia Christian School to fulfill the Great Commission in Matthew 28. The CCS family feels that this is a highlight of the student's years at CCS. It is our hope that each student will:

    1. Evangelize the lost through personal soul-winning and ministry.
    2. Encourage and equip fellow believers around the world.
    3. Expand the student's understanding of the kingdom of God.
    4. Expose the student to the possibility of God'’s call to missions for his/her life.


Our goal at Columbia Christian is for our students to achieve academic excellence grounded with an unshakeable foundation in the word of God. 1 Peter 4:10 says “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”.

This year K-12 students will be able to use their God-given gifts to do just that: love, serve and bless others.

As part of this program, each graduating senior will be required to participate in forty hours of community service while learning what it truly means to be the hands and feet of Christ. In addition, each homeroom will participate in a mission project of their choice. Below are some of the service opportunities already underway:

  • Buying and sending Bibles to other students across the United States.
  • Sending needed supplies and gifts to support missions in Peru.
  • Preparing Operation Christmas Child Boxes for children in other countries.
  • Feeding the homeless at The Southern Mission in Magnolia.
  • Volunteering at the Magnolia Specialized Services Fishing Derby.
  • Participating in the local Angel Tree Program
  • Assisting Magnolia Specialized Services with their annual fishing derby
  • Working at the Children's Home in Monticello, Arkansas


Parents at CCS are a vital part of the life of our school. Parents pray for our staff and students, volunteer in classrooms, booster clubs, and parent/teacher organizations, and fill our stadiums with enthusiasm at sporting events. Parent and family involvement is an important part of student’s education and spiritual growth.

Our Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is a perfect way to get involved in our school.  For more information about our PTF, please call the main office.